Lollipop House

This iconic building was first made famous as the mad witch's house, or the Hansel and Gretel house. The people of Watystop so were thoroughly annoyed about the place being used for publicity and the drumming up of anti-witch sentiment that it was burned it down in 1770. And then again in 1840. although some claim it was not so much the pepole of Waystop that were annoyed as certain powerful witches. Which Place was targetted for reprisals by the original owners, but their need for vengence was slaked as The Society bought the building and grounds for a very large and very undiscolsed amount of gold.   The modern day building only partially hides the charred remains of the previous houses, and is not so much the actual building as a symbol of the original. A symbol covered in very tasty sweets that are no longer protected by a magical spell from the rain, but by a canvas suspended over the building.   A landmark destination for anyone wishing to take up a career in rogue-witch hunting. To be fair most rogue witch-hunters in fact turn rogue themselves, killing perfectly innocent and helpful witches as they lose perspective and fall into madness. But even if these witch hunters somehow avoid deranged hate crimes, there is also a high risk of the diabetes. The sad fact is that without the help of caring medicinal people, yes witches, witch-hunters with or without diabetes all too often die from complications related to their dangerous career path at a ridiculously young age.

Purpose / Function

A tourist destination, training centre for witch hunters and gravesite of the much-mourned Baba Yaga the fifth. Unfortunately, the many people who viasit Lollipop House do not always see eye to eye.


The history of this house is much disputed. As the great historian Jeremy B. Ramy said:
You have to ask yourself: Did the two children who entered try to murder a lovely witch for no other reason than to eat her house made from sweets? Or was the witch trying to eat two perfectly plump children? The truth is we will never know. What we do know is that Hansel and Gretel caused mayhem, and then they and thier accolytes murdered hundreds of perfectly lovely witches in the hundred years following the incident.
— Jeremy B. Ramey
Lollipop House is many things to many people, but the one historians like to emphasise is that it represents the location where a lovely old woman was murdered by two greedy children.
Hansel and Gretel House should never have had a name change. It represents the place where two plucky children escaped from the clutches of an insane old witch and began the guild of witch catchers. A heritage that has been covered up by changing the name of the settlement from Witchcatchers Way to the milksop name of Waystop
— Danny Destiny: Witchcatcher Supreme
Alternative Names
The House of the Mad Witch, Hansel and Gretel house, Sugar Rush Cottage, The Gingerbread House
Owning Organization
A recreation of what a witch house might look like on the inside. It has several props including a mortat and pestle, spell books, and a mini cauldron complete with potion of red sparkles
by Borkia

Cover image: by A,J. Ponder (me)


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