Sif Tosscobble Character in Faerûn - Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Sif Tosscobble

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sif was born to a traveling troupe of Lightfoot Halflings. Her family trained her to sing and play several instruments including the lyre.   When she was 42 (still quite young by halfling standards) her musical talents caught the attention of a Noblewoman in the court the troupe was performing for at that time. Sif spent the next two decades playing in this Noblewoman's personal court as a court musician. While there, various things happened that offended Sif's strong sense of personal justice.   Once, a young nobleman became quite smitten with Sif, and she was gifted with a (insert wondrous lyre name here) which was a legendary lyre prized for it's beautiful sound and added to the abilities of the player to lull and or play up the emotions of the audience. The bard in their group was jealous, and obsessed with getting his hands on this instrument. One night he managed to steal it away, and left court so as to keep his prize, he traveled to far away lands and out of Sif's reach. Sif became obsessed with getting back her beloved instrument and will stop at nothing to get it back.   Always friendly, despite the bullying from some noblemen and the nemesis bard, she had friends in many places. A close friend of hers, Thomas Alva, caught on to her plans to steal back her lyre. He started to teach her some slight of hand tricks, which Sif proved to have a surprising propensity for such things. Eventually her talents got her into trouble and her long-time patroness became aware of her crimal activity. Rather than punish Sif, she decided to put them to use. Sif became a spy for her, traveled to many courts as a legendary performer, all while spying and stealing whatever her Patroness required.



Sword First Adventure Company

Accomplishments & Achievements

Working with Thomas one dark evening, he taught her how to Dash away from her opponents, or safely Disengage from them while in combat, and to Hide virtually in plain sight. This has allowed her to have Cunning Actions.

Personality Characteristics


Sif is obsessed with getting back her beloved instrument and will stop at nothing to get it back one day.

Vices & Personality flaws

If Sif sees anything valuable, she can't think of anything else but how to steal it.


Contacts & Relations

Jarvis Landry - Teacher   Volothamp Geddarm - Knows the best places to eat and find merriment. Can give a tour of Waterdeep   Renaer Neverember - Noble who has friends in high places including Harpers   Force Grey support comes in these ways (2 Renown): Adventurers who are arrested may be released under loose supervision of Vajra Safahr. The adventurers may receive a helpful uncommon or rare magical item that they're allowed to use for a time. Meloon Wardragon or some other respected member of Force Grey may help the adventurers out of a tough situation.   Zhentarim support comes in these ways (2 Renown): Davil can arrange meetings with influential nobles and members of city guilds. Adventurers can procure discounted potions and poisons from Skeemo's shop, Weirdbottle's Concoctions, which is located in the Trades Ward. Tashlyn offers affordable mercenaries, either thugs costings 2 sp per day each or veterans costing 2 pg per day each. Istrid offers loans of up to 2,500 gp with an interest rate of 10 percent per tenday. Adventurers can hire Ziraj to assassinate someone, in return for some undisclosed favor to be called in later.

Wealth & Financial state

Force Grey - 2 Renown Zhentarim - 2 Renown

Halfling Rogue in the Sword First Adventurer Company

Character Location
Current Location
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Current Residence
Trollskull Manor

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