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Session 04 - Sunken Citadel, Oakhurst and Refugee camp near Mt. Hotenow

General Summary

The party rested deep inside the Grove level of the Sunken Citadel after defeating 4 goblins in the previous session. The party approached the area with the Gulthias Tree, Belak the Outcast, Kulket the Giant Frog and 3 twig blights. After listening to Belak's speech about the importance of the Gulthias tree combat ensued. The Gulthias Tree, Kulket and the 3 twig blights were defeated. Belak cast invisibility and escaped. When the tree was completely consumed with fire a vampiric creature arose from within the tree, looked at the party, bowed and flew away as a bat. The group returned to Oakhurst with the information as well as the ripe fruit from the tree to give to Kardie (wife of Shamra - who is owner of Pour Decision Inn) who had fallen ill. The fruit apparently worked to cure her from her bed-ridden condition. The party also informed the Oakhurst Noble, Kerowyn Hucrele of the fate of her adventuring adult children, Talgen (fighter) and Sharwyn Hucrele (wizard). The party traveled to Mt. Hotenow Refugee Camp and met with Mallaster. Mallaster agreed to decipher maps/books found in Sunken Temple and also sent party on ritual adventure into the Underdark Caverns found in Sunken Temple in search of ceremonial components for the attraction of a Dire Wolf for Delgor and other Barbarian reagents to make totem idol. While in Underdark, party defeated 2 Carrion Crawlers and 2 Cave Fishers in 2 unique encounters. The party salvaged the blood, shell and filament of the Cave Fishers as these reagents are rare, sought after reagents.    Level 4 at end of session.   Time Elapsed: 5.5 days Cumulative: 13.0 days
Report Date
06 Nov 2022

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