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Session 12 - Elturel, Avernus landscape & Fort Knucklebone

General Summary

The party continued their exploration of the Grand Cemetary Ossuary by following paths of blood leading from the workshop. After traversing several areas of the Ossuary, the party discovered the Vault of Ascendance. The party defeated the 3 crazed Minotaur's standing guard over Ulder Ravengard who was in a painful trance wearing the Helm of Torm. The party decided to escort Ulder Ravengard back to Acolyte Pherria at the High Hall Cathedral. On their way back to the Cathedral, the party encountered former Hell Rider, Gideon Lightward a recently awoken vampire, who fell when Gulthias' undead army attacked Elturel in 1444 DR. Gideon's transformation to a vampire was suppressed 48 years as the contract between Thavius Kreeg and Zariel generated second sun known as "The Companion" to watch over Elturel and fend off the undead. When Gideon awoke as a vampire in "Hellturel" he discovered the Demon Portal and has become fixated on preventing demons from taking over Elturel. The party negotiated safe passage away from Gideon as he was convinced they were not a demonic threat. The party returned to Acolyte Pherria, who performed an exorcism on Ulder Ravengard removing the Helm of Torm from his head with his memories and visions intact. Ulder Ravengard recanted his vision that pointed the party to the surface of Avernus and to seek out Fort Knucklebone as the next step to free Elturel's from its damnation in Avernus. The party set out on foot traversing the harsh Avernus landscape. The party encountered and defeated 3 Bulezau. The party also encountered Meepo chained to the ground being tortured by scavenger insects. The party freed Meepo from his predicament and continued on their journey to Fort Knucklebone. The party also encountered a female apparition who proclaimed Artheris to be a descendant and urged them to complete their quest. The party's journey across the brutal Avernus landscape led them to Exhaustion level 3 prior to discovering Fort Knucklebone. The party was greeted at the entrance of Fort Knucklebone by two kenku Chukka and Clonk along with a small army of Redcaps and Madcaps. The party is escorted inside while Pyntarq assisted the kenku in fixing an infernal war machine "Demon Grinder". The party meets Mad Maggie the night hag and Mickey her fiendish flesh golem. The party informed Mad Maggie of their quest and her role to help guide them. Mad Maggie is a curious Night Hag by nature perceived value in unlocking valuable information from within their minds on Zariel's sword and other topics and agreed to perform a dreamscape ritual to extract this information. Algus, Artheris, Samael and Delgor reluctantly entered Dream Sequence 1: Rainbow Angels : As the rich, radiant light of a hundred dancing rainbows slowly dissolves, warm sunlight fills the area. Within that space, Lulu flies lazily in a lush meadow at the shoulder of a beautiful, blindfolded angel. Artheris failed his INT saving throw breaking him from the dream sequence, leaving the other three party members to continue through the remaining dream series without him. Level 7 at end of session
Report Date
05 Feb 2023

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