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Session 14 - Avernus

General Summary

The party defeated 4 additional Hellwasps on the 3rd level of the nest and freed Lulu. Lulu confirmed Jander's story and agreed to assist the party going forward on their quest.   Lulu indicated their "path" to the sword would take them through the "Path of the Devils" or "Path of the Demons". Based on Algus' in-depth knowledge of demons, the party chose the "Path of Demons".   The party traveled to the Spawning Trees location. The party encountered 5 Bearded Devils and an Abyssal Chicken named "Earwax". The Bearded Devils agreed to give up their mentally challenged comrade with a severe head injury "Krikendolt" and "Earwax" the Abyssal Chicken to help guide them to someone that can help them find the sword for the price of a soul coin. The party agrees to the terms.   The party travels to their next stop. The Tower of Urm. They meet the Archmage, Mordekainen, via his simulacrum. Mordekainen is disinterested in helping the party locate Zariel's sword but suggests they defeat a "mage of no renown" at the Obelisk. In return for doing so, he agrees to supply them with one soul coin for their travel to the location. The party accepts Mordekainen's offer.   The party travels to the Obelisk and finds the "mage of no renown". The "mage" asks them for assistance with unlocking the magic of each standing stone. The "mage" claims that each standing stone is keyed to one of the eight schools of magic (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation). His theory suggests that the central obelisk grants a boost in arcane power to mages across the cosmos, and he urges the characters to aid him in empowering it. The party doesn't agree to assist the "mage of no renoun" and defeat him realizing he was actually a Barlgura demon in disguise.   The party left the Obelisk and arrived at their next destination on the "Path of Demons", The Mirror of Mephistar. The party communicates with Rigorath, a emmisary of Mephistopheles and offers an infernal pact with the characters of behalf of his master Mephistopheles, offering them knowledge and power in return for their assistance: • To fulfill their end of the bargain, the characters must dam the flow of the River Styx where it spills into a nearby slime-filled chasm (see “Pit of Shummrath”). • If the characters fulfill their side of the bargain, Rigorath grants them rare knowledge: a secret they desire and a permanent +1 increase to each character’s Intelligence or Wisdom score.   Level 8 at end of session.
Report Date
26 Feb 2023

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