Faerun - forgotten realms Betrayal of Elturel

Betrayal of Elturel

Disaster / Destruction


In the Year of Three Ships Sailing, 1492 DR, Thavius's infernal contract with Zariel was voided by the Party of the Damned through the release of Gulthias from his prison within the Gulthias Tree. The contract's other expiration point was set to occur in 1494 DR (50 years after Thavius Kreeg's contract with Zariel). Gulithias' emergence from imprisonment within the Gulthias Tree coincidide with the Companion's morphing into a black orb that tore the whole of Elturel and its populace from the Material Plane and spirited it away to Avernus, first of the Nine Hells. The only thing left in a crater where Elturel once stood was an Infernal Puzzle Box.

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The Damned Chronicles (article)
Forgotten Realms History