
Terazul is a flowering plant found only in a few locations in the jungles south of Delzimmer. It is also the name of a somewhat addictive drug made from the leaves of the plant.


Material Characteristics

Physical & Chemical Properties

When ground into a powder and snorted, the drug was a powerful stimulant, causing the user to remain awake for days at a time. When drunk as a potion it caused visions.[1] Terazul was not without side effects, however, as children of terazul users were sometimes born with abnormalities such as tentacles.[2]   The plant's properties were thought to be due to its ability to tap into lingering pockets of spellplague.[3] In reality, the plant's roots grew out of portals to the Far Realm, which had been opened by derro in the Underdark.[4]

Geology & Geography

Southern sections of Faerun. It's actually the byproduct of pocket of the Far Realm opening deep beneath the surface. The roots of this plant emerge from this pocket.

Origin & Source

Terazul was a flowering plant found only in a few locations in the jungles south of Delzimmer.

Life & Expiration

In powder form, the substance will remain potent indefinitely if kept dry and enclosed in an airtight container. Moisture changes the properties and shortens the lifespan of the psycho-active substances within.
A mixture of vanilla and citrus
Extremely bitter
The flowers of this plant range from crimson to bright red in color with white outlines. After the flowers are dried, it takes on a pale lavender hue and eventually turns completely white when processed into a fine powder.
Common State
Fine white powder