The Toll of the Onis

Criminal Activity

10/9 13:00
10/9 16:00

The Bucket Brigade heads north in search of any signs of a hideout regarding the Church of Shar. They received intel previously showing a hideout either exists or existed near Jester's Green. Their search for the hideout is unsuccessful, but they encounter a group of Onis posing as Purple Dragon Army soldiers collecting a toll from merchants heading into Suzail.

Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae decides to attempt to locate the Church of Shar's hideout near Jester's Green. She searches for wildlife in the nearby woods and spots a squirrel running across a tree branch. She casts "Speak with Animals" and questions the squirrel for information. After extorting 2 acorns from the ranger, the squirrel informs the ranger that it has no information about the topic and bolts off. Caddell Griffith sends his owl familiar, Celeste, to scout around for any unusual activity in the general area. Celeste climbs high in the sky circling and eventually returns with news of a group of soldiers arguing with a band of merchants a couple miles north of Jester's Green.


The party decides to investigate and come across 3 Purple Dragon Army soldiers demanding the merchants pay a toll to continue south along the road. Caddell Griffith notices one of the soldiers is wearing his company badge on the wrong side and decides to confront the 3 soldiers. After demanding the soldiers identify themselves, the speechless soldiers decide to attack the party.


Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae tries to defuse the situation by attempting to persuade the soldiers to surrender peacefully, but they ignore her warnings entirely. The party is intially slightly bewildered by the toughness of the soldiers as they seemed to mostly ignore the powerful strikes from the party. They observe the soldiers wounds rapidly healing and realize something is amiss. Eventually, the soldiers revert to their natural size and forms as giants, more specifically Onis.


They eventually manage to overwhelm the 3 Onis. FeatherFace interogates the merchants for more information regarding the Church of Shar and a possible hideout nearby. The merchants seem to be unaware of any Sharran cultists in the area. The party instructs the merchants to seek them out at The Old Oar Inn in Marsember if they learn anything new regarding the Church of Shar.

Related timelines & articles
Campaign - The Bucket Brigade (article)