Adabra Gwynn Character in Faerun - Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Adabra Gwynn

"The local midwife an acolyte of Chauntea named Adabra Gwynn lives by herself in a stone windmill on the side of a hill a few miles south of Phandalin." Adabra uses the millstone on the ground floor to grind herbs and other ingredients for poultices and potions. Her quarters are on the second floor. The third floor is a loft where guests can stay Adabra sells potions of healing for 50 gp. Give a Potion of Healing card to any player whose character acquires one of these potions. Adabra was possibly attacked by a displaced Manticore.... the Rangers failed to save her. Evidence of a dragon attack surrounded her final resting place. The party buried here and recovered a health potion from the site.

Current Location
Umbridge Hill
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