Aedryn Riftwalker Character in Faerun - Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Aedryn Riftwalker

Aedryn Riftwalker

Aedryn Riftwalker, a rather carefully guarded man with an eye for objects of worth and the occasional magical artifacts. A user of magic they're not quite sure how they came into ownership of, or what itll cost them.


Family Ties

Aedryn Doesnt speak much of his family, the most information given to Ti about how he doesnt know much about his parents at all, that he simply grew on in between the temples of his home town and apart from the locals, who he described as 'not very much liking him', 'calling him by the wrong name' and often getting into altercations with the other children his age.

Religious Views

While spending a lot of time with his tarot cards, and seemingly heeding the calls they make, Aedryn doesnt act with much care for the gods. He focuses more on his own actions than asking any assistance from a higher power and seems confused that Ti (and Jormund) actually responses from their dietys.

Social Aptitude

Rather blunt and harsh in conversation, Aedryn doesnt do 'beating around the bush' leading to the occasional social blunder and an awkward attempt whenever apologising. He at least knows that threatening someone with bodily harm should they hurt his friends is best done where said friends cannot overhear. And apologises work best when paper crabs are involved.


Aedryn spend a lot of time shuffling his tarot cards, even when not activily drawing from them. When asked pressing questions about himself he often hesitates when answering, as if having to work out the best way to line up his words.

Hobbies & Pets

Current pets included his familiar Fenris, who he loves dearly even if he longs for the days to have a small dragon flying overhead. His main hobbies is sewing and sketching, though he's deeply protective of this, not letting anyone see.


It's not too uncommon to find him stumbling over his words when faced with unexpected questions or events, like he can't quite control the words he wants to say before working out his response.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
3rd of Hammer (Deepwinter)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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