BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 02

General Summary

The Second One

Sildar Hallwinter

Sildar told the group he and Gundren had been waylaid by the goblins under orders by someone named The Black Spider. Gundren and his brothers (Tharden and Nundro) had recently located an entrance to the Wave Echo cave. Gundren had a map to the cave, and the goblins sent him and the map to a place called Cragmaw Castle. Sildar asked the party to escort him the rest of the way to Phandelin, where he hoped someone could reveal the location of Cragmaw Castle. He also hoped to find news of his contact in Phandalin - a wizard named Iarno Albrek who had traveled to the town two months ago, after which Sildar had received no word from him.

Do Wizards Dream of Electrum Sheep?

After arriving in Phandalin, the group rested overnight, during which K had a strange dream of a beautiful forest he didn't recognize. When he woke, he found himself in possession of a whistle made of electrum. He sent a letter with the details of the dream to the Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep.

Steven's Downfall

The party learned from the townspeople that they've been harassed by a group of ruffians known as the Redbrands. These criminals had extorted shopkeepers in the town, and recently had taken some civilians prisoner. They liked to hang out at The Sleeping Giant taphouse, and when the heroes went there, a handful of them accosted the group and were promptly defeated. Upon interrogating one of the ruffians, Steven, he revealed the location of their hideout. The group released Steven under the condition he would never return to Phandalin.

Iarno No More

The group followed Steven's directions to Tresendar Manor and found their hideout underneath the building - a large cave complex. Inside, the party fought off some Redbrands as well as some Orcs. They also found Drobo, imprisoned in the hideout, being beat up on by Orcs who also had the symbol of Many-Arrows. They killed the orcs and freed Drobo, and he said the Orcs had come to reclaim the goblin cave and took him prisoner. He stayed with the group through the rest of the dungeon. Eventually they found a the leader's room. It was empty, but they found a secret door that led further into a large open room where a wizard was conducting experiments. Based on Sildar's description, this wizard was obviously Iarno, who had abandoned his orders and become leader of the Redbrands. After an incredibly close fight with him, which included fighting a Nothic, the group defeated him. Makyra dealt the final blow, and because Iarno had been working with the Many-Arrows Orcs, she decapitated him.
Report Date
10 Oct 2023


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