BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 03

General Summary

The Third One

Our Best Friend, Harbin

Arriving back in town, the group went to city hall to report to Sildar. They found him arguing with Mayor Harbin Wester. Harbin, in the rudest way possible, asked the party to investigate a caravan that had been attacked. He claimed to have one of the robbers in custody.

They May Take Our Sarx, But They May Never Take Our Freedom.

Upon questioning, the alleged robber, Sarx, claimed he'd been traveling with the caravan, and was not part of the group who had attacked it. He offered to lead them to the spot where the caravan had been attacked. The group freed him and followed him.

Told You So

Sarx led the party to the site of the ambush, and the group quickly found a trail leading into the nearby woods. Following it, they found a small encampment of Orc soldiers - the true culprits of the attack on the caravan.

We're Oscar Mike

Covertly, the group infiltrated the encampment, repositioned a catapult, and had Drobo load it up with explosives.

I Love the Smell of Bat Guano in the Morning

Between the explosions, fireballs, sniper shots, and blunt force trauma, the Orcs stood no chance. The group cleared out most of the encampment. However, a pair of Orcs escaped into a nearby cave.
Report Date
10 Oct 2023


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