BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 04

General Summary

The Fourth One

The Black Spider Appears

The Regulators finished wiping out the Orc encampment, including a short entanglement with a mimic. They followed the two Orcs who had escaped into the cavern. There they saw the dwarf, Gundren Rockseeker, held captive by a group of Orcs. The Orc leader was engaged in an argument with a strange drow elf, presumably the Black Spider everyone kept hearing about. A fight happened to break out, and it turned out the drow was not a drow at all.

Just a Tuesday

Everyone battled the Orcs, including their leader, Ungor, who had murdered Makyra's parents. He promised to kill her as well, saying the defining moment of her life was, to him, just a Tuesday. The group rejected his attempts at negotiating a trade for Gundren, opting to fight him instead. Throughout the fight, there was a rumbling of the earth, as if something large approached. After all the other orcs were dead, Ungor tried to use an eversmoking bottle to make an escape. However, thanks to your excellent tracking abilities, the group figured out which direction he went, and, right at the edge of range, managed to deal him a killing blow with magic missiles.

Oops, All Orcs

However, the group then saw the source of that rumbling - an army of Orcs coming to join up with this strike force. A pair of Orc infantry grabbed Ungor's body and dragged it away, now they are approaching the other end of the valley.

Time for a Plan

Gundren was still alive, but badly beaten and malnourished. The definitely-not-a-drow revealed himself to be something called a Kender. The army of Orcs drew near.
Report Date
10 Oct 2023


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