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Session 05

General Summary

The Fifth One

Iarno once more

The group employed subterfuge to escape the approaching Orc army. By impersonating Iarno and the Redbrands, they convinced the Orc lieutenant they had been working with Ungor when some pesky adventurers barged in and murdered him. Omar also shapeshifted into a drow, calling himself the black spider. However, the orc lieutenant did not seem to recognize him. The lieutenant struck a deal with the group to pursue these "adventurers" into the Underdark (where they had likely escaped to) while the Orc army went to Phandalin, in case they'd gone there.

Viva la revolution

Meanwhile, Sarx was trying to stage a revolution throughout the camp and helped Drobo scavenge for alchemical supplies, which Drobo then mixed up in his new toilet and ignited. This random concoction resulted in an off-putting, green smoke filling the camp.

Race against time

The party used this smoke as cover to escape the encampment. They chose to head back toward Phandalin to warn them of the approaching army. They managed to make their way through the approaching army without being detected and before their magical disguises wore off. The group made it back to town that evening and began warning the residents, some of whom believed them.

The mayor in "Jaws" is still the mayor in "Jaws 2"

Notably, Harbin, the town's mayor, did not believe them. Some of the townsfolk evacuated, but Harbin convinced many of them to stay.

if it is to be sarx, so it be Sarx, so it is Sarx

While speaking to the townsfolk, Sarx met Sister Garaele. She attempted to recruit him to track down a banshee named Agatha to ask a question about a strange spellbook. She offered Sarx membership to the Harpers if he were to help her, but Sarx refused. He also infiltrated the town hall and stole the money that Harbin had promised as the bounty for taking out the bandits and had refused to pay. Sarx, as far as the group knew, split the money evenly amongst them.

I dream a dream of Fizban

During the night, K had another dream. He again saw the meadow and the remains of a devastating battle. He saw the old man with the canaries again, and this time they spoke. The man seemed confused about who he was, who K was, and why they were there. He introduced himself as Fizban, and asked if K had tracked down the black rider. He also mentioned stopping Takhisis, but Fizban wasn't a very reliable source of information as he kept forgetting who, when, where, why, and what he was talking about.

Oh yeah, whoops

The party awoke to warhorns. They found the town surrounded by the orc army. The king stood at the head of the army, and demanded to parley.
Report Date
10 Oct 2023


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