BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 09

General Summary

The Ninth One

You Go First

The group made their way through Wave Echo cave. They and their Orc Soldier escorts encountered a group of goblins. These goblins were rude to Drobo, and so they subjugated them.   The goblin's service to the party (and Lord Drobo) was cut short though, thanks to a Hook Horror that was hiding in the smelting cavern. The Hook Horror eliminated some of their entourage before they managed to take it down.   Further into the cave, they found a pool of water and the bodies of some orcs who had been slain in battle. In the hand of one of the orcs was a wand of magic missile, which they recognized as belonging to Relena.   They came across a great hall and sent their orc companions to investigate. The orcs fell victim to traps set within breakaway tiles in the floor.  

You Don't Have to Go Home But You Can't Stay Here

Eventually, they found the legendary forge of spells. It was guarded by a Death Tyrant. Using Gundren to impersonate one of the dwarves who had created the forge, they managed to convince the Death Tyrant its task of guarding the forge was now complete, and so it returned to its home plane of existence. They then used the Forge of Spells to alter some of their items, weapons, and spells.  

He's Here

They began to make their way to the northwest corner of the cave when they started hearing commotion coming from the direction of the cave’s entrance. Knowing King Obould had arrived, they made haste toward where they hoped the portal would be.   The group reached a locked doorway guarded by more orcs. They spoke briefly before deciding it was time to dispose of them as well as their other Orc allies.  

Miss Relena, I Presume?

Making their way into the vast portal chamber, they used an immovable rod to bar the entrance to the room. They found Relena using the book she’d stolen from them to interpret the symbols to begin activating the portal. She pleaded with them to allow her to open it so she (and Omar) could return home to Krynn. She promised she would destroy the portal behind her, but they discerned she wasn’t sure she could do so.  

I'm Sure This Will Never Come Up Again Later

Never one to be told the odds, K spoke to the Raven Queen. After delivering Omar’s letter, he made a bargain with the Raven Queen - she would destroy the portal for them and, in exchange, she would possibly call on K one day for the favor to be returned.  

Buy One Get One

Obould and his Orcs began tearing down the door, and they chose proceed with opening the portal. Realizing K’s electrum whistle could reveal the correct sequence of activating the symbols on the portal, they hurriedly opened it as the door to the chamber burst apart.   King Obould entered the room, and as he did, something stepped through the portal as well - Lord Soth.   The party was quickly in a fight for their lives against the two villains. Drobo hurled vials of acid at King Obould in order to weaken his incredible armor. Makyra took the fight to Obould while Aurora and Omar fended off Soth. Sarx fired arrows with deadly precision, striking true with every shot (mostly). while K battered them with spells and kept the other orcs out of the fray. Gundren was struck down by Soth’s necromantic magic and was reanimated to fight against them. One of the orcs was persuaded to throw himself into a pool of blood-red liquid, which dissolved him immediately.   Several of the heroes went down during the fight but were rescued by Relena’s healing spells. K used his duelist’s wand to counter a powerful spell from Soth, saving Relena in the process. Omar struck him with the tentacle rod, which prevented Soth from using his powerful abilities for an entire round.  

I'll Be Right Back

Clearly wounded, Lord Soth made his way back to the portal, commanding Obould to finish the fight and meet him in Krynn.  

Mischief Managed

Obould’s armor was falling apart. He lashed out at Drobo, killing him. Relena, her healing magic exhausted, fell in battle as well. Finally, Aurora and Makyra cut Obould down, with Makyra dealing the killing blow and finally fulfilling her quest for vengeance.

Aurora's Choice

Drobo, the unlikely hero, lay dead on the cold stone floor, his life extinguished by the relentless wrath of King Obould. Relena, the thief who had stolen not just the party's possessions but also a piece of their trust, was gone as well, her healing spells exhausted, unable to mend her own wounds.   Aurora’s Revivify Stone could only save one of them. After some deliberation, and to Omar’s dismay, the party chose Drobo.   The adopted goblin was resurrected, and they said their final farewells to Relena. The portal to another world remained open, a menacing reminder that not all threats could be extinguished, and the darkness was not yet truly defeated.
Report Date
10 Oct 2023


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