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Orcs are a fearsome and savage humanoid race known for their brawn, brutality, and relentless raiding across the wild lands of the world. Standing taller and bulkier than humans, Orcs possess tough, greenish-gray skin, prominent tusks jutting from their lower jaws, and brutish features. Their physical prowess is unmatched, and their culture values strength and martial prowess above all else.
  Orcs are tribal by nature, organizing themselves into clans led by the strongest and most aggressive individuals. These clans roam the wilderness, often clashing with neighboring settlements or other races as they seek resources, territory, and plunder. They are notorious for their love of warfare, raiding, and the spoils of conquest.
  Despite their fierce reputation, not all Orcs are inherently evil, and some seek to rise above their brutal origins. In rare cases, Orcs can become noble heroes, proving that even in the harshest of environments, the spark of goodness can shine through