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x-S6: The Death Pit of Moloch -new version

General Summary

Session Summary: "The Death Pit of Moloch" Related Quest: The Death Pit of Moloch   Previous Quest: none.   New Quest: The Adventure of the Golden Pixie     Player Characters:
  • Seraphina Tealeaf: A nimble and skilled rogue with a short bow.
  • Hans: A proficient fighter with a longbow and broadsword.
  • Meriele Amastasa: A knowledgeable and powerful high elf wizard.
  •   Non-Player Characters (NPCs):
  • Sheriff Roland Tress: The town sheriff who recruited the party.
  • Unknown: A resilient herb merchant.
  • Unknown
  • Monsters and Enemies:
  • Cultist: Members of the cult of Moloch who engaged in slave-harvesting activities.
  • Goblin: A group of goblin adversaries encountered during the party's exploration.
  • Zombie: Undead minions controlled by the cult leader.
  • In the treacherous saga known as "The Deathpit of Moloch," our valiant heroes answered the call of Sheriff Roland Tress, embarking on a perilous quest to unravel the mysteries behind the vanishing caravans near Hollow Rock Hills. Through a tumultuous twist of fate, the ground gave way beneath their feet, hurtling them into the shadowy depths of the notorious Deathpit. There, they stumbled upon Ollie, the resilient herb merchant ensnared beneath the wreckage of his overturned cart. Ollie's harrowing account shed light on the insidious activities of the cult of Moloch, who callously dismissed him as "damaged goods."   Undeterred by the lurking dangers, the party waged relentless battles against the cultists, interrogating them to extract vital information about their malevolent agenda. Their journey was fraught with peril, as cunning goblin adversaries sought to impede their progress. In the heat of battle, a fateful moment occurred when Seraphina, the nimble rogue, unleashed an errant shot that missed its intended mark, only to strike a goblin instead through a fortuitous ricochet. This stroke of luck turned the tide in their favor, leaving the goblin vanquished and the party emboldened.   Harnessing their collective resourcefulness, the heroes deftly navigated through the treacherous labyrinth of the Deathpit. Utilizing Ollie's narcoleaf to incapacitate their enemies and skillfully deploying a smoke bomb to create a diversion, they wove a tapestry of strategy and cunning to overcome the numerous perils they encountered. Guided by their tenacity and with the golden pixie statuette, discovered amidst a trove of treasure, radiating with captivating enchantment, the party emerged triumphant from the heart of the Deathpit.   Their battles against the relentless undead horde, their conquest over the malevolent cult leader, and the serendipitous ricochet of Seraphina's shot shall be forever etched in the annals of their heroic saga. United and emboldened, the party emerged from the depths, their spirits undaunted, as they turned their gaze toward the future, equipped with the golden pixie statuette and the realization that even in the face of adversity, fortune may smile upon them.     Kills:
  • Cultists: 2 cultists dead, 2 cultists captured
  • Goblins: 6 goblins encountered and defeated.
  • Zombies: 3 Zombies Killed, 1 zombie impaled on a spike trap. 2 Zombies alive.
  • Cult Leader Unknown: Final confrontation with the cult leader resulting in victory.
  • Treasure:
  • Silvered Dagger, collected from Crassus corpse.
  • Golden Pixie Statue: A radiant and enchanting golden pixie statuette discovered among the treasure.
  • Coins and Trinkets: Various coins and trinkets found in the treasure chest.
  • The session proved to be an eventful and challenging adventure for the player characters as they encountered various monsters, engaged in combat, and made important discoveries. The enemies, including cultists, goblins, and zombies, provided formidable challenges that the party overcame through their skills and teamwork.
    Report Date
    01 May 2023
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