Session 1 6/16 Report in Faerun | World Anvil
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Session 1 6/16

General Summary

This is not hte first report of campaign, just where it started.   Investigation of Polly and Felix Polly revealed herself to be a self start thief and would be willing to give information for money. As well as having some type of mind related wipe to remembering certain events Polly- Did recall a memory with Greater Restoration that gave the memory of her being inside Ship taerl and having relationship with Billiana-Air Genasi.   Reveal that the network assumed with Fake Feldrin included Lyle Fastfoot(murdered).   Felix was unable to communicate effectively do to magic item as well as loyalty to Boss.  Felx was murdered by Fake Marcus. Did and unable to track down where that person went.   Group found infromation on when bounty was placed on Feldrin which was the day that Renae Dauglt was beaten up. 
The link to these two events was that the Graycloaks are in league with Capt Taerl to help sow discontent between the cities of Neverwinter and Luskan.  
Additionally Ophelia was contacted and discussed further plans for what is needed from Feldrin via sending stone. Group sent cypher by hawk (require 2 days travel) to help break the code.    Ophelia updated group that rosene was unavailable and that no one had heard from her. Group contacted and Rosene was a bit indisposed.
  • Ophelia was being interrogated by the cities guard at that time
Report Date
03 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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