The Warming Embrace Building / Landmark in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Warming Embrace

  • Bottle, Glass 2 Gold 1 Silver 2 Copper
  • Component Pouch 26 Gold 5 Silver
  • Flask or tankard 2 Copper
  • Ink (1 ounce) 10 Gold 6 Silver
  • Oil, flask 1 Silver 1 Copper
  • Vial 1 Gold 6 Copper
  • Jug 2 Copper
  • Anti-toxin (vial) 53 Gold
  • Brewer's Supplies 21 Gold 2 Silver
  • Acid 26 Gold 5 Silver
  • Alchemist's Fire (flask) 53 Gold
  • Perfume (vial) 5 Gold 3 Silver
  • Tools
  • Healer's Kit 5 Gold 3 Silver
  • Poisoner's Kit 530 Gold
  • Alchemist's Supplies 530 Gold
  • Cook's Utensils 2 Silver 1 Copper

Purpose / Function

Escape route  and discount supplier for party


DC 32 hidden door behind counter-Password protected "You Shall not pass" in draconic
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

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