Faerun The calamity of Luskan
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The calamity of Luskan

Life, Trauma/ Loss


Group interrogates "Feldrin"- Tells them about Kafgan Cregnar the forgotten and tells them that he will come again to claim the realm.    Greater Restoration upon harry showed that Harry was essentially feebelminded into submission and that this is not his fault of harming his family but Rowan Walker   Additionally, went to taerls to speak on the matter of possible advancing of partnership within Graycloaks.  Showing evidence to Tearl find out that the changling was recommended by her 1st mate and betrayed her to have her own ship.    Explosion happened at Captain's Court, party fleed into the tunnels. Completed Horse armor in the record time. Chase of a lifetime of party getting out of the city and learning about Renae and Marquee of Neverwinter being harmed in the explosion.    Vi, Caitlyn, Kiliana, biliana, Taerl, Marcus, Serena all traveled with party and made it out to sea leaving behind the problems in Luskan. Safe travels, met a Ancient Bronze Dragon who advised them and looked to them about their travels.   Made port in the Moonshae Isles in Norland, with no problems. Made sail for Waterdeep with no problems.    Dress spoke and revealing that this is a new sentient dress that will grow with her and revealing that her first things of learning is her dresses ability to read or see things that she cannot (True sight)   Additionally make port in the city off sell fish register Ship/ purchase maps. Price out tattoos

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