
species Eladrin.webp

The term "eladrin" generically refers to a family of elven subraces that includes:
· "common" eladrin, customarily referred to as high elves;
· noble eladrin, powerful fey elves who have retained humanoid form;
· fey eladrin, fully metamorphosed elven inhabitants of the Feywild; and
· celestial eladrin, elf-like celestials.

Fey eladrin separated from their kin when the elves were cast out from Arvandor by Corellon after his confrontation with Lolth, finding refuge in the Feywild - a realm of perilous beauty and boundless magic - instead of migrating to the Material plane like the rest. Centuries of exposure to the wild magic of the Feywild has changed those elves, charging them with the flexible and mutable nature of the plan. Although some have remained humanoid and only acquired some additional supernatural abilities, most have been completely altered and transformed into fey.

Fey eladrin tend to be considerably more slender than common elves, but can more clearly be distinguished by the way their eyes shine, giving away their firm connection to the magic of the Feywild. They are also capable of changing their physical appearance according to by assuming characteristics of one of the seasons, which also defines inherent powers:

  • As Spring, they are joyful and playful, fond of mischief and playing pranks on other creatures, often oblivious to the dangers of doing so. Spring eladrin broadcast the joy of the season to creatures around them, rendering them temporarily friendly and reluctant to attack the eladrin.
  • As Summer, which they enter when angered, eladrin become aggressive and vindictive. Summer eladrin invoke the fiery aggression of the season, instilling fear into the hearts of creatures in their proximity.
  • As Autumn, fey eladrin assume the role of pacifism, acting as mediators or peace-seeking intermediaries to resolve conflicts and to promote calm and tolerance, and compassion, seeking to provide aid and alleviate suffering. Autumn eladrin call upon the feelings of sharing and goodwill from the season, quelling violence when possible and using magic to heal and aid.
  • As Winter, eladrin are reclusive, pensive, sometimes bitter, crying frozen tears and dispersing a feeling of gloom that could be felt like a cold wind. Winter eladrin enter that state when distressed by sadness, irradiating their melancholy and sapping the will to act from creatures around them.

Irrespective of these personal variations, all fey eladrin share many common traits, including respect for personal freedom, the elvish passion for beauty and art, and a desire to surround themselves with decorative and alluring objects. Fey eladrin are also proficient combatants, excelling with longsword and longbow.

750 years
Average Height
4'8" - 6'0" [4'6" +2d10]
Average Weight
95 - 150 lbs [90 + 1d3 x HeightRoll]


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