Emerald Enclave

No major activity within the Reach proceeds without at least the tacit approval of the Emerald Enclave. That group of green-thumbed peace keepers is the biggest threat to business and well-being that exists in the Reach. Not that I, personally, mind them, of course.
Erixal the Black, Wizard of Alaghôn

An organisation comprised mostly of druids, rangers and bards, the Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging factional union that exists due to a shared philosophy with an admirable objective: maintain balance between the natural world and the inoxerable expansion of civilisation, and firmly oppose those that seek to curtail nature.

Members of the Emerald Enclave exists across the entire breadth of Faerûn, tending to operate in isolation and learning to depend on themselves more than others. Those dedicating themselves to helping others survive the hazards of the wilderness may be more social than colleagues charged with defending sacred glades and preserving the natural balance, but survival in a harsh world demands great fortitude, plus the skills and confidence to be self-sufficient, and mastery of these capabilities are what every member of the Emerald Enclave strives for.

Not officially opposed to civilization or progress, they aim to prevent civilization and the wilderness from destroying each another. The Emerald Enclave will also vehemently oppose any who would maliciously seek to inflict harm upon the world or its creatures. History has many times seen Enclave members stand against the ravaging of ferocious monsters, cults that have acted with clearly ill intent, even deities that have threatened to tear reality itself apart. Few folk will not have experienced or heard tale of being guided or rescued in the wilderness by someone bearing the symbol of a stag's head.

Unfortunately, despite its intent, vagueness of the ideology means its application can be both subjective and arbitrary, and one acting in the name of the Emerald Enclave is just as likely to stand in support of whatever is deemed "natural" to the detriment of all other considerations. The Emerald Enclave offers no rules, even to the question of what constitutes nature and what does not, meaning that decisions on when and how to intervene in any particular scenario is invariably at the discretion of a member's morality. Who should decide when a city encroaches too far into its natural surrounds, or when is it warranted that representatives of the Enclave be obligated to help defend against a beast attack, or a "natural" disaster?

Consequently, outsiders may perceive the actions of the Enclave as hypocritical and impulsive, discharging an unclear ethos at whim and without consideration of all consequences and, thereby, as likely to do harm as often as good.

Despite this, most of the population recognise the overall intent of the Emerald Enclace to be good and, generally, only victims of their capricious outcomes will not look upon a recognisable member favourably.


  • The natural order must be respected and preserved.
  • Any force that would disrupt or corrupt the natural order must be defeated.
  • The Enclave obligated to aid those who are or may victim of the wildness of nature.
  • Public Agenda

    The Emerald Enclave seeks to restore and preserve the natural order, keep the elemental forces of the world in check, keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another, and help others survive the perils of the wilds and wilderness.
    Alliance, Generic

    Known Members
  • None

  • Allegiances
  • Church of Eldath
  • Church of Mielikki
  • Church of Nobanion
  • Church of Silvanus

  • Adverseries
  • Church of Bane
  • Church of Malar
  • Church of Talos
  • People of the Black Blood
  • Red Wizards of Thay
  • Zhentarim

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