
There are many power groups, big and small, in Faerûn. Some aspire to conquest, others long to defend the weak against such conquest. Of the latter, I declare none as enigmatic, or as frustrating, as the Harpers.
Mendryll Belarod

Conceptually a secret collective devoted to opposing villainy and oppression, over the thousand plus years of its history, the voraciousness and frequency of activities credited to Harper protaganists has progressively made the Harpers as an organisation frequently-rumoured, then an openly acknowledged faction, ultimately becoming one of the most famous alliances in all of Faerûn.

Conceived in the fabled city of Myth Drannor by elven leaders, in collusion with a few trusted human rangers and druids, to sureptiously seek out and defeat evil, it is a collective that has risen, been shattered or disolved, then reformed and risen again several times. As an organisation it has never been close to organized. Rather, it persists as a confederation of individuals from contrasting cultures and backgrounds bonding over shared goals of maintaining peace, preserving knowledge and protecting the downtrodden. Its longevity and resilience are largely due to its decentralized, grassroots, secretive nature, and the autonomy of its membership.

Harpers work either as lone operatives or in small “cells” — generally alongside friends and close allies — interacting and sharing information with one another as needs and convenience warrant, but rarely to any hierarchical entity. It is said that nothing can be truly "official" within the Harpers; as a group it is undefined, with no formal roster, contradictory operational standards, and a public face that is inconsistent from one locale to the next. The only commonality is that Harpers pride themselves on their integrity and incorruptibility, and the noble ideology of not seeking power or glory, only fair and equal treatment for all.

Individual Harper agents are trained to act alone and depend on their own resources, never to count on colleagues to rescue them. Nevertheless, true Harpers are dedicated to helping one another in times of need, and loyalty is considered the epitome of proper etiquette. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use guises and secret identities to form relationships, cultivate information networks and engineer outcomes as they deem appropriate.

However, though most Harpers prefer to operate in the shadows, there are exceptions, leading to an unfortunate hypocrisy: while promoting freedom and equality and opposing oppression, a Harper seldom sees any problem manipulating others to serve their own interests. While a Harper will always believe their own intent to be benevolent, this is not a universally accepted perception and anyone with a sense of wit will ever be sceptical of completely trusting a known Harper.


  • Harpers work against villainy and wickedness wherever they find it.
  • All beings should walk free of fear, with the right to live their lives as they wish.
  • The rule of law aids peace and fosters freedom, so long as the laws are just and those who enforce them lenient and understanding.
  • No extreme is good. For freedom to flourish, all must be in balance: the powers of realms, the reaches of the cities and the wilderlands into each other, and the influence of one being over another.
  • Whatever it takes, a Harper will do. Pride never rules the deeds of a true Harper.
  • Harpers can spare themselves less freedom than those they work to protect must have, but even a Harper must be free.
  • Harpers police their own. A Harper who hears the call of personal power can no longer hear the sweet song of the harp. A Harper who seizes power, and holds it above all else, is a traitor to the harp. Traitors must die for freedom to live.
  • Without a past, no being can appreciate what they have, and where they may be going.
  • Public Agenda

    The Harpers oppose tyranny and evil, will protect the oppressed, maintain freedom, peace and order, support fair and just laws, and work to prevent extremes and imbalances of power, wealth and influence. Harpers shall do whatever they must, no matter how mundane, how hard, uncomfortable or demeaning, and no matter the risk. When required to aid, a Harper acts without hesitation or concern for cost, asks nothing in return, and will ruthlessly punish treachery. And Harpers shall accumulate knowledge for the good of everyone and to record and preserve the past, for history provides the light with which we see the future.
    Alliance, Generic

    Known Members
  • None

  • Allegiances
  • Moonstars
  • War Wizards of Cormyr

  • Adverseries
  • Amn
  • Calimshan
  • Church of Bane
  • Cult of the Dragon
  • Iron Throne
  • Malaugrym
  • Red Wizards
  • Shadovar
  • Tribal goblinoids and orcs
  • Zhentarim

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