Neverwinter Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil


A city of skilled craftsmen noted for accurate water clocks, exotic lamps of multihued blown glass, and for its gardeners who fill the town with fruit-bearing trees and flowers. The town's name comes from the practice of raising hot-house flowers throughout the winter.  Tales of winter-free woods and the ever-warm waters of the Neverwinter River, which keeps the city's harbor ice-free year-round, may contribute to these truths.  The folk here are noted for their efficiency, quiet manners and dedication to ensure that work gets properly done.  Lord Nasher is an amiable, but fearless, balding man who enjoys music and hearing tales of other lands and peoples. Nasher is guarded by the "Neverwinter Nine," who often carry nearly as much magical gear as he himself.


Half Elves and Humans, with a minority of Dwarves, traces of all others.


Lord Nasher (Warrior and former adventurer who gained much magic in his career)


400 archers and spearmen who carry explosive missiles devised by city craftsmen and wizards. They patrol the city as police, and protect the High Road as far north as Port Llast and as far south as Leilon.

Industry & Trade

Crafts and horticulture.


The city was originally named "Eigersstor"

Natural Resources

Mysterious source of warmth in the nearby woods.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Skilled Hands
Large city


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