The Lords' Alliance Organization in Faerun | World Anvil

The Lords' Alliance

Also known as "The Council of Lords," or "the Lords' Council," it should not be confused with the Lords of Waterdeep.   This lawful and essentially good economic and military alliance of the rulers of cities in the North and along the Sword Coast, works to keep the overland trade routes along the Sword Coast and across the North as safe as possible, and free from Zhentarim influence or annexation.  The alliance is open to all cities and nations in the west, but not all have chosen to join. Notable abstainees include fiercely independent Luskan, and the southern lands of Amn and Calimshan (who feel that troubled trade in the North can only profit their nations).  Member cities include Waterdeep, Mirabar, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, Sundabar and the island realm of Gundarlun.  Southern cities include Baldur's Gate, Elturel, Berdusk, and Iriaebor.  Smaller towns and villages in the north wisely join in the Alliance.  The member rulers of the Lords' Alliance communicate by means of both trained carrier pigeons (from Lord Piergeiron of Waterdeep) and the magical arts of archmage Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun. Smaller villages can correspond only with Waterdeep.  The military arm of the alliance is composed of both liveried troops from the larger cities and local militia in the smaller. Large cities and towns not only patrol their own local lands, but also maintain garrisons in the smaller towns and villages to support local militias and patrol the frontiers.  
Alliance, Generic

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