
Kroushanc is a paladin pirate party participant. He revels in the terror he causes and doesn't hesitate to take the lead in nearly every situation.   He is descended from a special lineage and seeks to recover the black keys that bind the god Cyric. Kroushanc hopes to one day to slay the god that has ailed him for much of his life.   The lizardfolk is a ruthless captain but knows who to place in their ideal role. He utilizes a rare dwarven blunderbuss in combat that he acquired in a raid during his young pirating days.   Shortly after he assumed command of his first vessel, he was attacked by Tarven of the Forge and was subsequently forced to the shore in search of fortune. He joined the party shortly after.   After killing Tarven of the Forge, he claimed the SS Stormforged as his own and now commands a flying vessel through the skies of Faerun.
"Join me and you'll have plenty of booty to plunder."
Owned Vehicles


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