
Clever is an alchemical drug first invented by a changeling of unknown name, who held the mantle of Reno in 11 PU. Clever is a particulate substance typically administered in a digestible capsule. Its formula is a well-kept secret owned by the Silver Sickle, which is the drug's sole producer. Use of clever is currently unlawful inĀ The Civilized West.  


Clever is considered a 'mega-stimulant' and is known to cause enhanced capability in nearly every form. This includes enhanced perception, cognitive ability, memory retention, strength, and most notably, confidence. Typically, one dose (capsule) of clever lasts about one hour. Among drug users, it is widely used to improve one's abilities in the face of a significant challenge; this may include tests of strength and constitution and well as intellect. It is most often used by academics, especially among university students during exams. Clever has sometimes been used illegally in competitions, including the Arena of Teeth.   However, ingestion of clever comes with significant downsides. A user may become addicted to the substance if used too frequently. An addicted sentient may experience feelings of uselessness and a loss of confidence which typically results in clumsy or weak action, lack of memory, and reduced cognitive capacity. Depending on the severity of an addiction, it may takes weeks to months for a sentient to return to normal cognitive and physical functioning.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
10 gold per capsule