Faerie Dust

Faerie dust is an extraordinarily rare hallucinogenic aerosol toxin produced by fae dragonettes, a species endemic to Selunia. The 'dust' is actually a vapor laced with hallucinogenic chemicals that are produced within a gland in the dragonette's chest. A small amount of faerie dust can be procured from a slain dragonette if their chemical glad is harvested; however, it is much more efficient to obtain the dust straight from the source-- by inhaling a dragonette's breath. However, fae dragonettes can control the amount of toxin they release and will often kill sentients who attempt to force them to administer the drug.   Fae dragonettes have sometimes been known to provide sub-lethal doses of faerie dust to sentients by their own will. Typically, this might happen if the fae dragonette is sufficiently amused and cared for by the sentients, and may even assist their friends in collecting wealth by selling access to the drug. In rare cases, fae dragonettes have been known to bind themselves to elves as lifelong companions.  


The effects of faerie dust remain largely unknown. Users typically dissociate shortly after inhalation and may remain completely still for up to twenty minutes. Users report feelings of euphoria and connection as well as a distinct feeling of boundless knowledge, though they unusually do not remember the hallucination in detail.   If a sentient is exposed to too large a dose of faerie dust, they typically respond in the standard way. However, if the dose was too large they dissociate for more than twenty minutes, up to two hours, before experiencing a fatal seizure.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
350 gold per inhale