
Oghma is the god reigning over knowledge, intellect, secrets, and curiosity. He is generally depicted as a humanoid being with pale or white skin, a bald head, and wearing a robe made of scriptures. Oghma's symbol is that of a silver scroll.  


Ironically, little is known of the origins of Oghma. However, it is well-known that Oghma was not created at the beginning of time like Shar, Selune, and Shaeth and is newer to the pantheon than Aethon Sol, Palana, Tiamat, and Bahamut, and many scholars believe that he ascended around the same time as, if not alongside, Mask.   Oghma is not shy about the fact that he does not belong to the Material Plane, but retains an intense curiosity for it. Ancient texts claim that Oghma had asked the pantheon to ascend him in the face of death so that he may continue his search for infinite knowledge. A few passages have mentioned that Oghma has an inherent disdain for Mask, Lord of Shadows, as he stole his way into godhood through Oghma's request for ascension. However, some sentients worship the two gods harmoniously, seeking knowledge through the covert means preached by Mask.  


Oghma tends to be neutral in his teachings, proclaiming that every sentient has the right to further their own intellect-- though he seems to primarily refer to knowledge as something to be earned rather than taken, and encourages his followers to follow a lifelong commitment to strengthen their will in order to manage the burden of deep knowledge. This has led to two general schools of thinking among his followers; many, including the Oghma's official church, Oghma's Order, believe that knowledge is a powerful strain on sentient minds and must be earned through practiced dedication to study, meditation, and exercise of restraint. Some others, however, interpret the god's teaching as a message of free intellect and claim that all sentients have the right to all knowledge, regardless of the burden it may bring. These followers tend to avoid official church business and are often shunned by Oghma's Order.  


Unlike some of the other gods such as Bahamut and Aethon Sol, Oghma does not often interfere with the lower planes and their citizens. As a god of secrets and intellect, he does not usually appear to and speak with his patrons and instead communicates via complex signs, puzzles, and riddles. Oghma appears selective in what is considered an appropriate tribute to his shrines, often ignoring offerings unless they provide undiscovered secrets of the world. However, favorable tributes can be well-rewarded with enhanced ability of comprehension.
Alternate Names:
  • Lord of Knowledge
  • Keeper of Secrets
  • Master of Intellect
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