Sentient's Rights Council

The Sentient's Rights Council (SRC) is an organization charged with protecting the legal rights of sentients inhabiting The Civilized West. It was created as part of the Union of Churches in 870 EW as a balance to the ban of the exiled gods. The council's primary mission is to manage what should be considered individual rights, but may be called upon to advise on legal rulings.    


The following are rights historically considered legally protected by the SRC:
  1. A sentient may not be discriminated against by race, gender, sex, or sexual orientation in terms of legal rights. Additionally, a sentient may not be discriminated against for religious affiliation, excepting worship of the Exiled Five.
  2. A sentient has the right to trial for all criminal charges in which they are allowed to defend their own actions. Trial officials, accused sentients, and observing citizens may not use magic during the trial. A court wizard practiced in divination magic must be present during all trials for the purposing of detecting and dispelling illegal attempted use of magic.
  3. If charged with the crime of illegal worship, a sentient shall be treated as if not guilty until the court's official ruling.
  4. If a court ruling ends in death to the accused, death shall be swift and painless. A sentient must be given at least twelve hours to make peace with their death.
  5. A sentient may not be put to death for worship of an illegal god. Instead, the sentient has a right to live until they either convert to a legal faith or choose to die.


The protections offered by the SRC have undergone little revision since their conception during The Union. However, in 130 PU The Union narrowly passed a vote to revise the listed protections in response to a terrorist attack suspected to have originated from an unknown cabal of Selune worshippers located under Marsember. This attack is known as the Marsember Bombing.   The ruling involved one major changes to the above list: a sentient's rights are no longer protected upon reasonable suspicion of exiled worship by a Union official, rather than up until a guilty charge. This means that if a sentient is suspected to worship an exiled god, they no longer have the right to a trial or protection from death. Alongside this revision, The Union also created The Patron Watch to enforce compliance with the new ruling across the Civilized West.
Founding Date
870 EW / 0 PU
Civil Services