
Sharpsugar is a fast-acting stimulant drug created shortly after the start of the post-union era. It is a powdered substance typically inhaled through the nostrils.  


Sharpsugar provides an intense, if short-lived, burst of speed and energy. Inhaling the substance enhances physical speed and endurance. It may also bring forth feelings of euphoria and typically causes marked increases is sexual arousal along with increased sensitivity to physical stimuli. As such it is often used for two purposes: increases in battle prowess, especially among military troops, or as a pleasure drug meant to enhance sexual experiences. The effects of one small line of powder typically last 15-20 minutes.   Sharpsugar is mildly addictive if used in large quantities. Currently, use of the drug is frowned upon in the The Civilized West but is not against the law. Side effects include reduced stamina, exhaustion, and increased fragility immediately after use.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
5 gold per line