
Taendor was the first sentient to be contacted by Aethon Sol, and thus became the first High Priest of the Church of Light  According to legend, as a teenager Taendor went hunting for his family and fell into a deep ravine blanketed in snow, shattering his legs. He laid there for ten hours, slowly watching the sun move over him, calling out for help to no response. Finally, when the sun began to slip behind the lip of the ravine, he cried out a prayer for the sun to come back to him, to save him from the inevitable frostbitten death brought by the night. Beside him appeared a robin made of pure flame. The robin did not speak, but sat on the man's chest through the night, burning his flesh but keeping him alive and warm enough to survive until morning, when his family was able to find him. This scar is the reason why many Solar Priests have flaming bird tattoos on their chest. As thanks, Taendor swore his life to preaching the kindness of the Sun God and founded the Church of Light.
Divine Classification
High Priest