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Alderleaf Farm

A wise female halfling of forty-five, Queline Alderleaf is a pragmatic farmer who seems to know everything that goes on in town.

She is a kind host and is willing to let the characters stay in her hayloft if they don't want to stay at Stonehill Inn .

Carp's Story.
Qelline's son, Carp Alderleaf, is a spirited and precocious halfling lad of ten years. He is enchanted by the idea of being an adventurer and says that he was playing in the woods near Tresendar Manor when he found a secret tunnel in a thicket.
A couple of "big ugly bandits" came out of the tunnel when he was there, and met with a pair of The Redbrands. They didn't see him, but it was close. Carp thinks that the bandits have a secret lair under the old manor house. He can take the characters to the tunnel or provide them with directions to the location. The tunnel leads to area 8 in the Redbrand hideout.

    Quest: Reidoth the Druid.
Qelline is a longtime friend of a druid named Reidoth . If she figures out that the characters are looking for specific sites in the area, such as Cragmaw Castle or Wave Echo Cave, she suggests that they visit Reidoth and ask for his help, "since there's not an inch of the land he doesn't know."

She tells the characters that Reidoth recently set out for the ruins of a town called Thundertree, just west of the Neverwinter Wood. The ruins are about fifty miles northwest of Phandalin, and she provides directions so the characters can easily find the place. If the party pursues this quest, see Reidotth the Druid Quest or "Ruins of Thundertree".


Homebrewed ...

IMPORTANT - Adventurers could meet Carp Alderleaf in Town
- he could offer them lodgings for some coins
  • he could let them know about his story for coins

  • Outside As you follow one of the village trails east, you finally come across a carved wooden sign on a post. It reads 'Alderleaf Farm'. In front of you are a few well-tended fields, and beyond that, you can make out the sprawling buildings and barns of an old farm. As you approach the small front porch, you surmise by the height of the building and the size of the farm implements that this is a Halfling farm. Despite its age, the farm looks in good repair, and the wooden shutters and window frames have been freshly painted in a pleasing shade of green.  

    First Impressions
    You knock on the door, and a few seconds after, you hear running and the door opens to a small halfling child of about 10. He has short, tousled, dark blond hair and a small, open round face with bright green eyes. He looks at you inquisitively. 'Hi, my name is Carp, my mum is busy right now milking the cows in the shed. Do you want to buy some eggs? We've got quite a few right now.' He continues asking questions to the people in front of him. 'Where are you staying?' 'My mum puts up travelers in the barn sometimes. You wouldn't have to pay much. You could stay here tonight.'  

    'Hello! My name is Quelline Alderleaf, and I run the farm here. You're not from around here. Have you traveled far? Excuse my curiosity, we do not have a lot of travelers around these parts. Are you staying in town?'

    Inside the House

  • the door opens up into a simple but cozy living room. The ceilings are fairly low, but still of a decent height for an average-sized human. Lovingly sawn patchwork throws have been carefully placed on a settee and two armchairs in front of a large fireplace. A woolen rug and scattered cushions surround the hearth as well as a low table with a huge sawing basket in the middle. A sideboard and dresser filled with a cute tea set and china figurines take center stage on the western wall. Two or three paintings in a slightly naive style, depicting countryside scenes hang on the far wall.

  • a door opposite the entrance leads to a large corridor and the rest of the farm accommodation

  • off the corridor, to the left, are the three bedrooms: Quelline's bedroom is the largest and is decorated with the same feminine touch: patchwork throws and pink curtains complete the look. It is tidy and feels very homey and comfortable. Opposite Quelline's, are two other smaller single bedrooms: one of them is Carp's.

  • Carp's bedroom is the one at the end of the corridor. It is a typical child's bedroom, full of things that Carp has collected from his time outdoors. The objects are lined up on the large dresser against the eastern wall and there are also boxes of 'treasures' on the floor a the bottom of this bed. You can see a few shiny stones, a piece of wood that looks like a devil, several bird nests, etc. There are not many toys, but pride of place on the desk beside his bed is a set of tin soldiers.

  • the third bedroom is a guest bedroom that is hardly in use and mostly serves as storeroom - you can see neatly folded stacks of material and old clothes and other household implements which have found their home here.

  • On the right-hand side of the corridor are another four rooms: the first one, opposite the sitting room, is a large kitchen with a dining table. This looks like a very busy kitchen, a pot of soup is gently simmering on the woodstove and you can make out a bread oven in the far wall. The smells in that kitchen are delicious! Bunches of herbs hang from the ceiling, with a few very appetizing legs of cured hams. A door on the northern wall opens up to a large food larder.

  • The dining room is next - this is the most formal room inside the farm and contains a good quality large dining table and a set of eight cushioned chair in fetching hue of deep rose. The walls are papered in an elegant two-tone stripe of grey and white, and another dresser displays a beautiful fine china service in pure white. A lovely plush silver grey carpet stretches from one end of the room to the other. You also notice a window-cased bookcase with a few books: most of them are agricultural treatises or cookery books.

  • beside the living room is a small bathroom, and next to it, is Quelline's study. Quelline's study is simple and functional. There are shelves of papers held together in old leather bindings, another huge sewing basket sits on the floor beside the desk.

  • on the eastern side, is the barn where the hay is kept. In winter, some of it is brought every day to the cowshed nearby. The laborers stay in small cottages in the village and commute every morning to the farm. This is where the adventurers can stay for a few nights. Quelline will serve them breakfast in the kitchen in the morning.


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