Jeis Hawken Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Jeis Hawken

Jeis Hawken

Banks lived in peace and solitude for years, tending his herbs and watching over calm lake waters--holy grounds for the pacifistic Goddess Eldath--as civilization crept in around him. Knowledgeable in natural remedies and healing practices, he sold his wares to the townsfolk, who traveled to the outskirts to seek his help and guidance. His life's work is a series of journals detailing his medical discoveries in order to help and heal others, and continues to learn as he travels from town to town. He frequents Phandalin to sell his wares, becoming fairly well known by the locals. He often visits his friend Liam at the Stonehill Inn.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Banks has tattoos running over his chest, back, and arms

Apparel & Accessories

He also has several ear piercings and formerly, a nose ring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Banks never knew his father. Frankly, neither did his mother, Farah. She had an affair with a mysterious traveler that came from the river. Unbeknownst to her, the man was a marid, a genie of the Elemental Plane of Water, who had taken a human form (This was later revealed to be the genie Vessel.) She feared for her child when she realized there were inherited traits that could not be denied--namely, the blue skin. She was afraid that people would judge and shun her son, so she kept him secluded in their forest home, away from society and their prejudices. His mother was a druid who followed the Mother of the Waters, Eldath, and she bestowed her love of nature onto her son. She taught Banks how to take care of others and how to remain calm in the face of opposition. She would take him deep into the woods to a small place of worship, a simple stone archway covering a small hand-carved statue of the goddess. As a child, Banks loved this time of peace with his mother. She raised her "Sunshine Boy" to be loving and accepting of all life, which lent itself to his interest in medicine. As he grew older, more travelers began to pass through their woods. After a few run-ins with wounded travelers, word began to spread of a knowledgeable medicine man in the Neverwinter Woods. Though Banks was content to study and tend his garden in solitude, he found that he enjoyed meeting new people, and helping others gave him a sense of duty and fulfilment.


Banks is bisexual


Banks continues to run his mother's apothecary in the Neverwinter Woods. After several suggestions for easier access to some of the surrounding towns and word that Phandalin had little medical care available to them, Banks began to travel a few local areas to sell his wares.

Personality Characteristics


Banks tries to help all people, and believes that everyone deserves second chances. He would go to great lengths to help almost anyone, but especially those he cares for.


Contacts & Relations

Reytna - Friends Torhd - Friends Rune - Adoptive Daughter Jeis - Dad 2 Liam - Partner

Family Ties

Farah Tierlach (Mother) Vessel (Father)

Religious Views

Banks is a devout follower of Eldath.

Child of Chaos™

View Character Profile
The Neverwinter Woods
Current Residence
The Tierlach Apothecary
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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