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Order of the Gauntlet

A relatively new organisation, the Order of the Gauntlet is dedicated to smiting evil wherever it lurks, without hesitation. Members act on their own authority, delving into the most dangerous dungeons, darkest caverns, and foulest pits to weed out evildoers. The Order holds that faith in one’s god, one’s allies, and one’s self are the greatest weapons in quelling the hordes of malice. A strict code of honour requires that they do not strike pre-emptively, and that they allow all beings to come to the light of reason of their own volition.   The Order was formed in Elturel half a century ago as an offshoot of the Order of the Companion. Where the Order of the Companion was dedicated to striking down evil for the protection of Elturgard, the Order of the Gauntlet has a wider scope, seeking to do the same for the entirety of FAERÛN.  


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