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Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, the Shining Jewel of the Sword Coast, the Crown of the North. Its grandeur stands out even more in the hostile land that surrounds it, a land full of threats from goblins and orcs all the way up to the occasional giant or dragon. Through it all the city-state of Waterdeep has continued to grow and thrive, starting as a settlement built atop the ruins of the ancient elven settlement of Aelinthaldaarand, becoming a bastion of civilization amongst the wilderness.      Geography   With its long history and many titles, the city of Waterdeep stands on the Sword Coast in northwestern Faerûn. The city has grown around its deep harbor which sea captains used to give the original settlement its name of Waterdeep. The city also shares its name with the mountain that rises 1,500 feet out of the sea to dominate the southwestern edge of the coastal plateau Waterdeep sits atop. On the western edge of the city the rise of the mountain manifests in a set of sea cliffs and rocks that are impossible for a normal human to climb. Mount Waterdeep was also once home to a dwarven mining clan, and abandoned tunnels run deep beneath the mountain. Adventurers are known to head into these tunnels to fight beasts and then be back in the tavern before sundown. Atop the mountain lies the Griffon Eyrie, a watchpost out of which the Griffon Calvary of Waterdeep are based.   On the southern end of Deepwater Harbor lies Deepwater Isle, a large island that serves to give the harbor and city extra defenses, with massive seawalls filling the gaps between the ends of the isle and the ends of the city walls. A few miles To the southeast is the mouth of great River Dessarin which flows into the Sea of Swords.   The city covers an approximately two miles wilde by four miles tall area, running from Mount Waterdeep to the eastern edge of the plateau and from the Deepwater Harbor in the south to the northern edge of the plateau. Mount Waterdeep is not considered part of the city, although it is certainly part of the city's domain. In the countryside surrounding Waterdeep lie vast farmlands to supply the city with the vast amounts of food it requires. Waterdhavian guards patrol these lands to secure their breadbasket, frequently being seen as far as 50 miles out from the city in ordere to keep the food coming to the city.   Despite its size, Waterdeep does not sprawl beyond the plateau it sits upon. This is by decree of the lords of Waterdeep. The plateau provides a formidable natural defense for the city augmented by the imposing city walls, making attack by land a foolish proposition for any would-be conquerors or marauders. While the city's growth is limited by these restrictions, the defensive benefits are undeniable.   Seven Wards of Waterdeep     Waterdeep is divided into seven wards.   Castle Ward contains the entirety of Mount Waterdeep along with Castle Waterdeep. The district holds the upper class of Waterdhavian citizens, nobles and rich merchants, but also plays host to numerous business endeavors, diplomatic affairs, and fancy parties.   Dock Ward is home to the city's docks as well as Deepwater Isle.   South Ward lies near the sothern gates of the city, those facing the Trade Way. It is a small district and also the poorest district in the city. It is also one of the busiest, its streets packed with incoming caravans and markets selling to the travelers going in and out of the city.   Trades Ward is the home of the guilds and is the center of commerce in Waterdeep.    City of the Dead holds the graveyard and city park. Not a very lively place, but it is well patrolled by both guards and mages to prevent any unsanctioned necromantic activities.    Sea Ward contains those who are well-off but not rich enough to afford quarters in the castle ward. The district spreads over most of the northwestern quadrant of the city.   North Ward lies to the east of the Sea Ward and holds the middle class of Waterdeep. It is a fairly peaceful, but the taverns and coffee houses that dot the area are known for hosting a number of lively business dealings.     Population and Demographics   The population of Waterdeep ebbs and flows with the trade season, but it is estimated a quarter of a million people reside in the city itself, with a total of 2 million in the area Waterdeep controls. These numbers increase further during summer when the trade caravans roll in and the inns and businesses fill to overflowing.   The racial breakdown of Waterdeep's population:   64% human 10% dwarven 10% elven 5% halfling 5% half-elven 3% gnomish 2% half-orc 1% other   It is also to be noted that many unusual races are said to live in the depths beneath Waterdeep, including dark elves, duergar, beholders, and illithids. In fact it is rumored that a beholder is in charge of the largest criminal organization in Waterdeep!         Government   Waterdeep is ruled by a council known as “The Masked Lords.” The council would consist of anywhere between 16 and 29 members, with 20 being considered a full council.The current Open Lord is Dagult Neverember, a 60 year old human male originally from Neverwinter.    The Lords of Waterdeep were only seen in public when sitting in the Lord's Court or when appearing every four years at Shieldmeet Council when the Lord's Rule is reaffirmed. The identities of the Lords, other than the Open Lord, were not supposed to be known to the public, although they were known to each other. The intent of this was to ensure that the Lords were free of coercion and could be drawn from any social strata within the city. While the masked Lords were considered to be equal to the Open Lord in authority, some executive authority was reserved for the Open Lord, including the vetting and selection of new Lords, the naming of the next Open Lord, and determining the needed number of Lords.   The Open Lord of Waterdeep (also called the "Unmasked Lord") was the sole member of the Lords of Waterdeep whose identity was publicly known. They held a number of additional titles including Warden of Waterdeep, Overmaster of the Guilds, and Commander of the Watch. The Open Lord was also the city's chief diplomat. There was only one Open Lord at any one time, but when the previous one died or stepped down, they were replaced by a new one.   While no other Lords were formally named, some individuals became the subject of widespread rumors that could even become a general consensus. The penalty for impersonating a Lord, whether by dressing in a set of their identical clothing or by a false claim, was punishable by the impostor's immediate execution. At any time, the Open Lord could demand the private unmasking of any person posing as a masked Lord, under punishment of death for refusal   Ultimate legal authority in Waterdeep fell to the Open and Masked Lords of Waterdeep. The Open Lord and at least two others attended the Lord's Court while it was in session, enforcing the city-state's set of rules and laws known as the Code Legal. The lords listened to the most severe crimes committed against the city and the Waterdhavian people. They also appeared on occasion when asked to by Waterdhavian lower courts, but always only few in number. It was extremely rare for more than seven Lords to sit in Court on a particular occasion, except at Shieldmeet.   The Lords helped maintain peace and order within the city and beyond, by directing the four branches of the Waterdhavian armed forces, namely the City Guard, the City Watch, the Griffon Cavalry, and the city's naval forces. They also held direct command over the actions of Force Grey, an elite strike force formed of former adventurers and other mighty individuals.   The Lords also held some power over Waterdeep's economic status, controlling the minting of coinage and trade bars. They also possessed sole authority to grant nobility to Waterdhavians of great wealth and influence that petitioned as such.   All Masked Lords wore black formless robes and spoke through the Open Lord, in order to keep their identities secret. These magical items—known as the Lord's ensemble or "Lords Effects"—included illusion-enhanced robes, a heavily enchanted helm, the numerous magical Lord's Rings, and the Lord's Amulet. Some powerful spellcasters were capable of piercing through the illusion magic that maintained the Masked Lords' identities.     Foreign Relations   Waterdeep is a member of the Lords' Alliance whose influence spreads for 100 to 150 miles around the city. This influence stretches as far south as Daggerford and as far north as the Mere of Dead Men.  A majority of the smaller settlements near Waterdeep are allied with the city, and the farther out cities of Neverwinter and Silverymoon are also allied with Waterdeep. Together Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Silverymoon are known as the civilized city-states in the north. Waterdeep also maintains good relations with the Moonshae Isles and the nation of Cormyr.   Baldur's Gate is Waterdeep's main rival. Both are independent trading city-states on the Sword Coast and the similarities between the two cities, along with their overlapping spheres of interest, often lead to intense competition for the trade goods on the Sword Coast. The pirate lords of Luskan in Icewind Dale      History of Waterdeep   Would you like to know more? See our article on the History of Waterdeep!


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