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Session 13: Greenest in Flames

General Summary

Last week our group of adventurers traveled to the town of Greenest. The road to Greenest was filled with bandits and Owlbear attacks but the group of Guardians were able to make it to the town. But instead of the peaceful town they expected plums of black smoke raise to the sky and a huge beast reeling through the smoke in the sky. A dragon is attacking the town. The group ran towards the town and entering into the town they see a family being chased by a band of kobolds and a human. You fight your way through the town rescuing several townsfolk to make it to the keep. Meeting the Governor and the Dwarf that is in charge of the keep they ask the group for assistance in clearing out a tunnel that can be used as an escape. Clearing the tunnel of a few groups of swarms of rats, the Guardians made it out of the other side of the tunnel where they saw a group of humans and kobold patrolling. The Guardians defeated the bandits and went back to the tunnel to return to the keep.
Report Date
04 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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