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Session 67: Ss’tck’al

General Summary

The Rock Bottoms continue their adventure to find Varram the White and track down the White Dragon Mask before the Cult of the Dragon can get their hands on it again. Leosin Erlanthar of the Harpers informed the party of Varram's movement, saying he was going to Boareskyr Bridge and towards the Serpent Hills. In the Serpent Hills the Rock Bottoms followed the trail of Varram to a set of ruins. Going through the ruins the discovered that it is the location of a divination pool that a powerful wizard would use to channel his divination magic. The Wizard turned this place into his tomb when he died. Navigating all the traps set along the way the Rock Bottoms were shown a seceret passage just passed the tomb.

The secret passage opened up and Lizardfolk started attacking charging into the tomb's chambers. The Rock Bottoms were able to dispatch of the forward force of Lizardfolk, but Alaric the only party with darkvision looked around the corner of the secert enterance and saw that the path lead down a set of stairs to a bridge that had several Lizardfolk and two humanoids that had bodies of humans but their heads were giant snake heads. The Rock Bottoms fomulated a plan to have Alaric Fireball the bridge then the other members charge in and attack. With Alaric tossing the Fireball down the stairs at the bridge the fight commenced. The two Paladins and Fighter charged in, but into darkness as Alaric slipped around the corner.

Navigating the light and trying to survive after being roughed up by many of the traps laid before them previously the adventuring party continued their assalt on the bridge. Barthandelus quickly realizing after stepping on the bridge that the bridge was wet and slippery, causing the party to move more cautiously forward. They dispatched of most of the Lizardfolk but then one pushed forward and shoved Barthandelus off the side of the bridge and panic ensued. With Barty falling the two Snake creatures in the back cast suggestion spells finally landing one on Abel convincing him that Artair was actually a snake person. Alaric hoping to have Abel catch Barthandelus he cast fly on Abel and himself. Looking over the edge it seemed the drop into darkness fell around 120 ft. down. Abel instead gave into the suggestion and ran up and attack Artair with Hazirawn. After the first attack Abel shook off the magical control and dived down into the darkness looking for Barthandelus. Leaving Alaric and Artair to deal with the Snake creatures, who were angry that Abel did not finish the job. They pulled out their longbows and shot at Alaric and Artair. Alaric dodge his shot but turned to see Artair collapse to one of the shots. The Snake people ran away down the hall.

Down under the bridge Barthandelus collided with the ground and fell unconscious. Abel was abel to get to him quick enough with the Fly spell and casted his last lay on hands on him while Alaric used his Sunblade to cure wounds on Artair to bring him back from his unconsciousness. The fighting had stopped for the moment leaving the Rock Bottoms a chance to recover. They retreated back to the Tomb and took a rest to recover. After about an hour they got back up and moved forward once again over the bridge using Alaric's Darkvision to scout. They moved about the chambers down what seemed like winding slithering hallways.

Until they saw a hall that lead to a room where Alaric saw a couple creatures dart out of view. There were two paths up to that room and the Rock Bottoms took the long path when they started to hear a snake voice reach out to them calling them into the next room. Alaric fell for the suggestion and fought with the rest of the party that they should go down there. A giant Snake like creature standing about ten feet tall comes into view for the group becconing them saying he can help them find their Dwarf. Talking to Alaric for a few minutes the large snake creatuer distracted the party as a small group of what looks like humans but have snake like eyes and tounge, wrapped around and trapped the party in the corridore.

Report Date
07 Feb 2023
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