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The Singing Sword

Excert from Volo's Guide to Waterdeep:

This busy tavern stands on the North side of Bazaar Street, at the head of the Street of Bells. Three floors of busy diners enjoy one of the largest menues in Waterdeep, including the justly famous turtle soup - served in a turtles upside down shell - here each day. They are entertained by the high-voiced ballads of the wonderous magical blae for which the tavern is named.

This black-bladed longsword was brought to Waterdeep long ago, and is thought to have been forged in ancient Netheril. It customarily stand upright, hilt uppermost, in the open central well of the tavern, encircled by the spiral stairs to the upper floors, and is silent.

Once an hour, one of the taverm staff - usually a pretty girl in mock armor, struggling under the weight of the blade - lifts the blade and holds it high, for it will only sing when grasped and ordered. The will of the holder actually determines the song and anger or upset holders thoughts have been known to make the blade segue into a second song after it has begun singing.

The swords magic has never failed yet. It seems immune to the effects of dispel magic - in fact, applying. one when the blade is being held by a living being causes it to snarl in anger and scorn! It seems to know 30 or so songs, maily tragic ballads, love laments, or roaring warriors' songs, with a few comedy pieces thrown in. Its voice is high, clear, and almost bell-like on high notes, but somehow male thought. it has been known to mimic the oices of others who sing along with it in order to better harmonize.

Ive included the lyrics of the Trollsong, a comedy ballad that seemed a special favorite of the patrons, so that you can sing along if you visit the Sword and not feel out of place. Everyone in the place roars and mincs their way through this one, and belows for it to be sung at least twice through each time.

The sword has a simple way of dealing with prices. All meals are 1 gp. per platter, whatever you order. This includes a tall glass or tankard of whatever you want. Wubsequent drink are 1 sp/ tankard for any beer of 1 gp/ tall glass for zzar or any wine. The exotic drinkables (elverquisst, dragonstongue, firewine, and Fires of Mirabar whiskey) are few or missing altogether - no surprise, at these prices.

Whenever I went, I found the sword to be a lively place, brightly lit and full of crowds of folk enjoying their meals - and their visit with friends at adjacent tables. This is obviously a popular place with many regulars. The food's good, too. Any visitor to Waterdeep will find this place worth a visit to hear the Singing Sword burst into song.

Proprietor: Gothmorgan Ilibuld, the proprietor is tall laconic, and always watchful, but ever the polite host


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