Rise and Shine

You wake up, a pair of dark brown eyes staring into yours.  Noticing your startled expression, the woman moves her head back but maintains pressure on your shoulders, indicating that you should stay reclined on the bed of furs.  Glancing around, you note that you are in a small but cozy hut. The strong smell of sage and rosemary greet your nose as she briefly tends the fire before turning her piercing gaze on you.

Plot points/Scenes

Meet Eliastra

  What Eliastra knows:  
  • Her first priority will be assuring herself that the PC is well, checking their extremities to ensure that the frostbite they suffered on the mountainside is healing.
  • She reveals that the PC has been unconscious for three days, mumbling some in their sleep. She kept them relatively sedated with natural remedies so that their body could rest and heal. Rangers found the PC half frozen and dropped them off for care.
  • She will ask what happened that left them stranded in the snow.
If the PC doesn’t bring it up themselves, Eliastra can lead them toward questions that will let them explain finding Garren in the cave at the top of the mountain. The druid is dubious, explaining that, while not many explorers have returned from treks high into the peaks, an ancient tomb or prison would certainly have been discovered by now.   If the PC is interested in what happened, they might deduce that their amulet held the key to breaking the enchantment that kept Garren’s cell hidden, protecting it from explorers or those who, through the ages, might have been looking to help him. If they need extra prompting, the amulet might start to glow as they talk about the him.    

(Re)Enter Garren

In what has been a gesture of comfort and grounding over the years, your hand wraps tightly around the amulet with an entirely different purpose. Taking a few moments to gather your will, you focus your energy on the ancient being contained within. Tapping into a previously unknown source of power, you call Garren forth into the room. Eliastra gasps as Garren emerges from your amulet into the living area of her hut. She stumbles back, catching herself on a stool several feet behind her.
  The PC should participate in some revelatory RP and get to know the person that they are adventuring with. Garren is important to the story, but his role in the duet is flexible and should be tailored to fit your game. He can be a DMPC [Dungeon Master’s PC], function as a powerful summon, or be your player’s second character. He has been designed as a helpful member of the Central Party, the group of characters who help the PC and travel with them on adventures. But again, use him as best fits your game.   If the player is new to D&D or not very comfortable with stat blocks, then the DM should run Garren in combat as usual. However, if they’re more experienced or would like to try it out, they might consider running the PC and Garren in combat but still letting the DM handle Garren’s RP.   As much as possible, encourage the PC to drive the conversation with Garren in order to have the DM avoid talking to themselves. Occasionally, Eliastra might nod or ask a follow-up question, but (if you need a narrative reason) perhaps she notices that Garren seems more comfortable talking to the PC, or she’s generally reserved and contemplative.     What Garren Bronson knows:
  • Garren, like the PC, is puzzled by where he had been and explains that he saw the past several days transpire, in and out of consciousness, from inside the PC’s amulet. He is rather shocked at having survived the Ice Giant attack but relieved to be alive.
  • Questions from the PC, with help from Eliastra, reveal that Garren has very few memories of his previous life. He remembers why he was imprisoned in the mountain, though he’s reticent to talk about it. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
  • (Insight) check or general sensitivity on behalf of the PC would indicate that he is dodging these questions but will likely tell them later once he understands more himself. You can refer to Garren’s backstory C to have a better idea than the character does at present about when he’s coming from and what he experienced in his former life.
  • Given time, Garren will start to make enquiries as to the year and his physical location. A successful Wisdom DC 13 (Insight or Perception) check will allow the PC to see that Garren is alarmed by the date and unfamiliar with their particular nation-state. He quietens, reflecting on what he’s just learned and trying to understand.
After some time, or once there is a lull, Eliastra informs the PC that they’ve aroused the druid colony’s curiosity over the past several days.  Various members of her Circle have come to check on them, bringing remedies and food. She excuses herself, wanting to give them some space and privacy, and says she’s stepping out to speak to her friend Restan.   If they’d like to go explore, they’ll likely find other druids out and about nearby.  She asks them not to wander too far and urges them to be cautious.  If they ask for recommendations of people to talk to or things to do, she may suggest that Garren visit Janvair, if he happens to be home, as he knows lots of lore and history.  If the PC would like Garren to accompany them, he will go with them to speak to the druids; otherwise, he will stay in Eliastra’s hut for some time to think.
Completion Date
26 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Scene 1; Act 1
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