House Helvirae Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil

House Helvirae

House Helvirae was a minor drow noble house in Menzoberranzan that was destroyed in early 1494 DR. At its peak, House Helvirae was ranked twenty-eighth in late 1493 DR. However, a desire by its matron, Talraena Helvirae, to become the most powerful House of Menzoberranzan overnight led to her making a pact with the archdevil Fierna.

Due to this pact, House Helvirae was able to assemble a large portal in Menzoberranzan and summon an army of devils. However, the combined forces of the city's defenders and the Ardent were able to seal the portal, defeat the devils, and capture Talraena Helvirae. While the matron was ritually sacrificed to Lolth, the remaining members of the House were hunted down and assassinated, destroying the House completely. The only surviving member is Iymtana Helvirae, who was being held in Ardent Keep while her House was destroyed.
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