Wislaw's Arcane Armour

Wislaw's Arcane Armour refers to the set of magical armour that the artificer Wislaw Jansobski created for his use adventuring. It is comprised of a full suit of plate armour, magically enchanted with powerful abjuration magic (equivalent to +2 plate), an integrated belt of fire giant strength, a mantle of spell resistance, and Wislaw's custom-made +2 thunder gauntlets. While technically comprised of a number of different magic items, and requiring advanced attunement training to properly use, Wislaw has melded the items together into effectively a single item.

In addition to acting as magical plate armour, the arcane armour can project a magical force field that absorbs a fair amount of incoming damage. Wislaw has also imbued the armour with magic in such a way that he can swap between two different feature modes, given several hours of work. The default mode includes his thunder gauntlets and the defensive field projector. The alternate mode replaces the thunder gauntlets with lightning launchers, that can project powerful lightning bolts up to 300 feet away. This mode also increases the wearer's speed slightly, and creates a sound-dampening field that lessens the noise plate armour makes when moving.

Wislaw's armour designs emerged from his attempts at creating his thunder cannon. Unable to make progress on perfecting the device for mass-production, and with dragons terrorising the Sword Coast, he shifted his focus to defensive works. He tinkered with the armour for a few years, but made significant progress while adventuring in 1492 DR. Since then, he has worked on perfecting it to the state it is currently in.
Item type
70 lbs


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