COURT OF THE WHITE BULL Building / Landmark in FAERUN | World Anvil
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This place is a packed-dirt plaza named for the birth of an albino calf on this site when it lay outside the city walls. The calf’s owner eventually built the White Bull tavern, which thrived for years until destroyed by Thongalar the Mighty and Shile Rauretilar in a great spell battle that tore a rapidly widening planar breach to the Astral Plane.    Azuth, god of mages, repaired the breach, but this area intermittently acquires the planar trait of wild magic. As a result, no one has ever dared build on the location, making it a natural meeting place and market for caravan owners to peddle their wares from wagons.   It is also the location for public floggings as punishments handed down from the Lord's Court or other city magisters.


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