THE OLD XOBLOB SHOP Building / Landmark in FAERUN | World Anvil
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A cloud of lavender-scented purple smoke trails out of the shop's door. If you were to peer inside, you would notice that every wall is painted purple, and every dusty knickknack on the shelves is dyed a deep violet.   A hairless old gnome spends his days sitting cross-legged on the counter. He always wears plum-coloured robes and his cheeks are decorated with nine purple face-painted eyes.   To any visitors, the gnome would lower his pipe, exhaling a cloud of lavender smoke before raising a hand and calmly exclaiming,   "Hail and well met! Come browse the shelves of the most curious curiosity shop in the world!"
    The shop is named after the stuffed beholder in the window-a fixture that is actually a magical sensor, through which Xanathar can peer whenever it wishes.   The shopkeeper, XOBLOB, is a wizened deep gnome who spies for the Xanathar Guild. A few years ago, he survived the detonation of a gas spore in Undermountain and inherited some stray beholder memories. Driven by a compulsion to carve out his own domain, the gnome settled in Waterdeep, bought the Old Xoblob Shop from its previous owner, and tried renaming it after himself, yet everyone kept calling it the Old Xoblob Shop. He therefore restored the old name and changed his name to Xoblob. ·'No relation to the eye tyrant hanging in the window!" he says.   Trinkets.   The gnome sells an assortment of trinkets. As the characters search the shelves, roll on the Trinkets table in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook to determine what catches their eye. Xoblob sells any trinket for ld6 gp.   Floon's Fate.    The gnome doesn't know Floon by recognisesto share information, but offering him a new purple item or succeeding on a DC 13 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check loosens his tongue. He says that Floon and a well-dressed fellow of similar appearance and bearing (Renaer Neverember, though the gnome doesn't know his name and didn't recognize him) were jumped outside the shop by rough-looking men in black leather armor. Xoblob thinks there were five attackers, but none of them looked familiar. One of them had a black tattoo of a winged snake on his neck.


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