Elfharrow Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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A blasted near-desert north and east of the North Wall mountains bordering Halruaa, Elfharrow isn’t a name bestowed by its residents, but rather the sobriquet that travelers use for this violent region. The tribes of xenophobic elves that claim this area don’t hesitate to discourage uninvited guests by any means necessary. A simple group of pilgrims might be scared off with some arrows, while a band of hunters or explorers is likely to be killed outright.   Food is sparse in this region, with the forests long since vanished, and as a result the elves of Elfharrow fiercely protect the herds of animals they have cultivated. The elves have no interest in looting the cities of fallen Lapaliiya, but neither are they willing to allow “adventurers” free access to those lands through their territory.
Geopolitical, Clan


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