Hjolrom Flintrock - Waterdeep Keeper Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Hjolrom Flintrock - Waterdeep Keeper

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

City life keeps him stronger than you would think, but he's not very coordinated and far from peak condition.

Identifying Characteristics

His hair, eyebrows and beard are all different colors.

Special abilities

  • Spellcasting - Greater Restoration, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force, Summon Construct
  • Metamagics - Heightened / Subtle / Transmuted
  • Bastion of Law / Restore Balance
  • Darkvision / Poison Resistance / Chef

Apparel & Accessories

He wears common but clean clothes, no armor or weapons even in dangerous parts of town.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Waterdeep born and bred, Hjolrom has always been happiest when hes been helping his people, and in a city like waterdeep there is never a shortage of people in need. So much so that, despite working for years to assist in his community (Dockward) it never seemed to be enough. Even with this sorcerers powers, there was always more to do. He's not sure where his powers came from. His moms family has had them for as far back as they can remember but its honestly never really bothered him. They come in handy but he never lived the life of an adventurer, and his experience with magic is mostly keeping himself safe in a more dangerous section of the city for decades.   Eventually he found himself conversing with a group of travellers who, impressed by the sheer depth of his knowledge about the people and their needs. The Windblown decided to float him an offer. They would fund the purchase and outfitting of a community center. A place where people can come for help and shelter but also for training and to be matched with jobs as laborers, bodyguards, scribes, cooks, etc.   While the wealthy almost never entered the building proper, contracts of all complexity were offered here. The windblown took a commission on each contract and companies that work more exclusively with them get priority on incoming jobs.   This is a win win for Hjolrom. All he has to do is care about the people that come to him, keep his ears open and look out for trouble and he can change peoples lives for the better.




Mostly practical experience gained throug hfailing at various enterprises but he does a good job running the shelter.


Steady employment with the windblown

Intellectual Characteristics

Hjolrom is quick and good natured but he never really had the ambition or original ideas to make it as a businessman. His greatest asset is probably his charaisma. He likes everyone and everyone likes him. He's easy to trust and is steady and reliable, if not terribly talented.

Personality Characteristics


He just wants to do good. He's lived in waterdeep his whole life and he sees the people there struggling and all they need is a hand to help pull them up, a place to sleep for a few nights a shower and a chance to work. He can't solve every problem but there are so many people he can help with just a little time and effort.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Persuasion +9
  • Animal Handling +5
  • Insight +5
  • Survival +5
  • Dexterity +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Cooking - Hes no great talent but hes spent enough time in the kitches to make a good hot meal
  • Quiet nights by the water
  • Local Sports
  • Lazyness
  • Exercise
  • Violence
Current Location
Date of Birth
16 Ches, 1430 DR
Bright Blue
Light Brown
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish
Ruled Locations

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