The Moonsea Geographic Location in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Moonsea

The shores of the Moonsea have long been home to cities that rise swiftly, relying on vigorous trade and gathering powerful mercenaries to their banners, only to overextend themselves and fall — sometimes crumbling over time, and sometimes dropping like stones from the sky.   Now that Netheril and Myth Drannor have fallen, those two great powers can no longer exert their influence over the Moonsea, allowing the city of Hillsfar to spread its wings and eye southward expansion, and Mulmaster to once again further the worship of Bane. Phlan, Teshwave, Thentia, and Voonlar — all Moonsea cities where greater powers jockeyed for influence — now work to find their own identities before an unchecked or malevolent realm swallows them, one by one.   This region is also home to the ruins of the Citadel of the Raven and Zhentil Keep, former strongholds of the Zhentarim, which the Black Network shows occasional interest in restoring.
Inland Sea


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