The Oman Moonwell Building / Landmark in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Oman Moonwell

Only one moonwell is located on Oman, not far from the cairn of Thelgarr Ironhand. The giants of Oman know that the moonwells hold great power to those who control them, but they lack the knowledge of nature and magic to be able to corrupt the moonwell for their own purposes. However, an orc shaman called Crughth with connections to both primal and divine powers has grown in power within the giants’ ranks, and he plans to taint the moon-well for his own uses. If this comes to pass, the giants would gain much power and be able to use the moonwell as gates to other moonwells throughout the Moonshaes, giving them unfettered access to other places to raid and destroy.
Natural Wonder


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