Machinations of Fire Giants

General Summary

The Muffin Men learned of the threat posed by a detachment of Drow who were spotted in the depths of the Maze of Mithral Hall . Dagnabbet Waybeard informed the party that, on the order of King Brunor Battlehammer, the primordial known as Magera the Dawn Titan was being temporarily housed in one of Mithral Hall’s adamantine forges. To lose something as dangerous as a primordial would not just threaten the Dwarfholds of the North, but literally the entire population. The last time Magera escaped her bindings, she caused Mount Hotenow to erupt and wiped out the city of Neverwinter. Faced with such a threat, the adventurers answered the call for help and plunged into the depths of the Maze. Shortly after entering the area of the Maze near the forges, the group was ambushed by a trio of Ankheg Princes that were drawn to the area presumably by the tremors plaguing the dwarfhold. The fierce battle that followed taxed the party greatly and caused a vast expenditure of resources, but ultimately ended in victory for the Muffin Men. The group quickly took refuge in a kitchen that had been converted to some sort of alchemist production area, and after a short rest were rejuvenated enough to continue.   Making straight for the forge, the group interrupted a large contingent of Drow led by a pair of mages. The mages, their quarry already contained inside of an iron flask, sought to harry the Muffin Men and made their escape deeper into the forge complex. The Muffin Men slogged forth, engaging a number of elite Drow and conjured shadow demons. Nike nearly fell to the skilled blade of one of the warriors, but was saved when Tudog Hearthstoker unloaded his blunderbuss at point blank range. The wounded Drow fled toward his compatriots, but was cut down before he could reach them. One Drow called Lesnar was captured, and the Muffin Men took him to the Dwarven barracks for an interrogation after they failed to locate the obfuscated escape tunnel that allowed the attack in the first place. Under the influence of a Zone of Truth spell, the Drow revealed all he knew of the machinations of the Fire Giant Duke who employed him. The party learned that Duke Zalto , a Fire Giant of renown, sought Magera for some nefarious purpose and was expecting the Drow to return the primordial to a place called Ironslag. Ironslag was luckily known to the Dwarves, and Tudog promised to provide intel to the group once their business in the Maze was concluded.   Borgan Tometiller and Ophio did not want the attackers to escape, and so they summoned their inner tunnel rat and headed into the tunnel after the Drow. Borgan crawled in cramped conditions for some 45 minutes before spilling out into a terminus room of sorts, with multiple paths branching out from the center deeper into the Underdark. Far from support and failing to find further clues as to where the Drow escaped to, the duo turned back for the relative safety of Mithral Hall. After all, there was still the issue of the tremors and the influx of burrowing horrors to deal with, and the promise of payment for their contributions to the Dwarf Queen.
Report Date
02 Dec 2019


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