Portals and vore

General Summary

Having recovered after the battle with the Earth Elementals in the Eye of the All Father , the Muffins decided to search the temple further rather than risk triggering random spells from mismatched runes. They first searched the northern portion of the ruins, finding a large dormitory for the giant pilgrims visiting the Eye. As they searched the lower level, the party triggered a magical trap, releasing a massive boulder that nearly turned Ophio, Nike, and Kauth into a smooth paste. Before the animated Stone Giant statue could roll the boulder back to its original location, Borgan stopped its progress with the Immovable Rod. Further exploration of the area revealed nothing more than a crevice in one of the walls of the dormitory, leading deep into the mountainside. Kauth used her Augury and determined the path was a diversion to their main goal of reaching the oracle.   Heading next to the South room, the party found a massive mess hall, and a starving Remorhaz. The massive insectoid smelled food and charged the party. Kaz and Borgan jumped to their defense, quickly engaging the creature in melee. Both soon found themselves taking fire damage with each attack as the Remorhaz's magical heat lashed back through the open wounds. Seeing the Dwarf as the best meal, it bit down on Kaz, and refused to let to. Seconds later, the Dwarf was in the creature's gullet, barely able to move and completely blinded to the outside world. Meal in tow, the Remorhaz began to tunnel. The party gave chase, plunging into the dark tunnel, and continued to hack away at the creature. Moments away from being digested, Kaz summoned all of his might and stabbed into the creature's gullet, and with the added punch of a divine smite, managed to get himself vomited onto the tunnel floor. Enraged at nearly being a snack for such a creature, Kaz quickly turned around and hurled a javelin with deadly accuracy. It struck the creature with a sickening thud, killing it. Kaz and his companions crawled out of the fresh tunnel and took a moment to survey the rest of the room. On a far table, opposite the entrance, they found the missing great axe belonging to the Frost Giant statue in the main hall.   The Remorhaz dead, the party headed back into the main room of the Eye of the All Father , determined to solve the puzzle of the portal. Their first attempt was to use the newly found axe to activate the Ise (Ice) rune, which stayed lit now that the proper key was used. Continuing with the runes they were more certain about, they lit the stone rune next, and continued their successes with a bit of luck when they lit the storm rune. Their next attempt, however, nearly cost them their lives if not for Kaz's efforts to shield the party from annihilation with his divine auras. The fire rune flared to life, pummeling the party with a devastating meteor shower, nearly killing them despite the protective aura. Harshnag was not so lucky, and took the full force of the spell, surviving only due to his incredible resilience. The party decided discretion was the better part of valor, and took refuge in the dormitory wing for a long rest. The action in the temple awoke a quartet of ice spiders who quickly descended on the wounded party before they could rest. The spiders, however, were no match for the group even in their wounded state, and were quickly destroyed.   After the long rest, the party returned to the portal to continue their efforts. Inferring that the meteor storm meant it was the fire rune that triggered it, they were left with two choices. Kauth used Augury to contact Kelemvor for guidance, which pointed them away from their current course of action and to the correct rune. The party quickly lit the remaining runes, and rushed forward through the portal to find the central chamber of the Eye within. The chamber was filled with 6 more life-sized statues of the giants of the major tribes, each holding a magically lit lantern toward the center. They also found a corpse of a slain Cloud Giant, but beyond determining the cause of death, felt that it wasn't immediately important. Instead, they searched the room and located a magic circle on the ground with dwarven script, used by the modern giants, spelling out, "Ask your question and know truth." Not sure if they truly got only one question or not, the party chose to wait on consulting the oracle while they could deliberate on what they needed to ask.

Rewards Granted

Ise (Ice) Rune Shard, 10 Gold teeth, a giant-sized smoking pipe
Report Date
26 Jan 2020
Primary Location


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